青岛培训 培训新闻 青岛雅思口语培训回答的基本法则


英语 青岛朗阁外语培训 2016-08-06 09:37:44 766浏览

相关标签: 英语

   首先是“直接回答”,是指针对考官的提问直接正面回答,切忌兜圈子和回避考官问题。接下来,我们要针对回答进行解释,给出原 因。很多同学面对熟悉的话题很容易想到原因,但是如果是日常生活中很少接触的事物,则会没有头绪。出现这种状况的原因是大家往往倾向于从事物本身的特点出发想原因,参见以下例子:(请注意黑体字因果逻辑连接词的替换):

Im quite into music for the reason that it never fails to cheer me up

I love my name coz it makes people easily remember me

I enjoy playing computer games as its really fun and its a great way to loosen up


     I cant stand public transportation coz every time I take a bus or subway especially during rush hours its packed like sardines and I feel like Im going to die

     Swimming would be the last thing that I want to do And as I see it its mainly because once I almost drowned in a river when I was little It was so horrible


     Im a big fan of classical music thanks to my mom who used to put on some music by Beethoven or Schubert at home when I was a kid

     I find it great to ride bicycles thanks to my bestie Lily who is a super fan of cycling Actually she always invites me to some local cycling events and gradually its become a necessary part of my life as well


     最后,补充一些细节来支撑刚刚给出的原因。不知道如何给具体例子的烤鸭们,李双老师建议参考“个人习惯句型”I mean/Actually/In fact/For example what who when where why

     下面我们通过Part 1Part 3两道例题,再来完整回顾一下“直接回答-给原因-给细节”这个法则。





